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For four evenings in December the Fan Museum will be open in the evening. Visitors will be welcomed into a magical new take on the exhibition spaces, illuminated almost entirely by candles and underscored by classical festive favourites. The Orangery will reopen its doors for visitors to enjoy a complimentary drink of mulled wine, cider or juice. Tickets cost £10 and have to be booked in advance by contacting Brian Stevenson at:
[email protected]
. The Fan Museum is the only organisation of its kind in the UK devoted entirely to the history, culture and artistry of the fan. The Museum is small-scale, Independent, and accredited by Arts Council England. Situated within the World Heritage Site of Greenwich, London, a pair of beautifully restored Grade II Listed early Georgian period townhouses contain the Museum and its collections. For more details about the museum, please see:
Online reservations are not allowed.