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NLC Energy Circle
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‘Fusion in Focus: Tokamak Energy, Global Strategies, and Technological Opportunities’
Dr. Robin Kamenický
Plasma Facing Components Cooling Systems Section Leader, Tokamak Energy
The NLC Energy Circle is to offer a series of meetings with a broad range of speakers and topics covering all aspects of the energy industry held jointly with the Worshipful Company of Fuellers.
This presentation offers an overview of the exciting advancements in fusion energy, with a focus on Tokamak Energy Ltd.’s contributions to this transformative field. It examines the principles of fusion and the diverse approaches to achieving viable fusion energy. Key global initiatives, including the ITER project and the strategies of the U.S. and UK, are discussed alongside an outline of the commercial landscape, showcasing the varied efforts shaping the future of fusion. The talk also explores side technologies emerging from fusion research, highlighting their broader applications across multiple industries. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the challenges, opportunities, and innovations shaping the future of energy.
Dr. Robin Kamenický joined Tokamak Energy (TE) in May 2022 as a Senior Development Engineer. In this role, he has led plasma-facing components development projects, focusing on advanced divertor target technologies. His responsibilities include managing the development team, performing computational analyses, and overseeing experimental validation. Additionally, he has contributed to the development of power exhaust solutions for two distinct tokamak designs.
Before joining TE, R. Kamenický worked as a Research Associate in the Mathematics and Statistics Department at Strathclyde University. There, he specialized in Physics-Informed Neural Networks applied to fluid dynamics and conjugate heat transfer. He earned his PhD at Strathclyde, where he developed a numerical simulation code for metallurgical quenching using the OpenFOAM library.
Earlier in his career, he worked at the Research Centre Řež in Prague for two years, contributing to the EUROfusion and Fusion for Europe projects. His work included developing the EU-DEMO divertor target and commissioning the High Energy Load Czech Assembly (HELCZA).
£24 per person
1800 Registration, light buffet
1845 Introductions
1850 Dr. Robin Kamenicky: ‘Fusion in Focus: Tokamak Energy, Global Strategies, and Technological Opportunities’
2000 Cash bar drinks reception and further discussion
2200 close
Single Day Event
Wed 19/03/2025
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